Child: “Cold out?”

Adult: “Nah, it’s warm.”

So warm (BUT ACTUALLY)! Even walked home with no gloves.

During a reward lunch in the classroom, students watched Pink Panther and a child got kidnapped by the rouse of an ice cream truck. She's snatched up into the ice cream truck by a butterfly net after she received her treat.

Student: "At least she got to keep the ice cream."

While grabbing a treat for recycling after school:

Student: "I forgot to tell you a secret."

Me: *whispers* "what is it?"

Student: "We got a new little dog."

Me: "Oh, wow! What kind?"

Student: "A boy. My mom doesn't like the girl ones because they always make babies...[pause]...and they get their period."

Word of the Week

what: /wut/ pronoun. 1. The “nerd word”, commonly given to an unsuspecting victim…or the all-powerful Queen of the Nerds (me).

Example: “Ms. Duchene! Ms. Duchene!” —- “What?” —– “You’ve got the nerd word!” —-As Queen of the Nerds, I thank you.”

Side note: At one point, I was fighting for the title as Queen of the Nerds to which students were trying to make someone the Empress, but thankfully that was short lived. At another point, students were telling each other that they couldn’t give away the “nerd word” as I was the reigning queen. It was a strong trend at the beginning of the school year that has fizzled and made a comeback multiple times.